// FUNCTION: CheckoutCart ||
// PARAMETERS: Null ||
// RETURNS: Product Table Written to Document ||
// PURPOSE: Draws current cart product table on HTML page for ||
// checkout. ||
function CheckoutCart( ) {
var iNumberOrdered = 0; //Number of products ordered
var fTotal = 0; //Total cost of order
var fTax = 0; //Tax amount
var fShipping = 0; //Shipping amount
var strTotal = ""; //Total cost formatted as money
var strTax = ""; //Total tax formatted as money
var strShipping = ""; //Total shipping formatted as money
var strOutput = ""; //String to be written to page
var bDisplay = true; //Whether to write string to the page (here for programmers)
var strPP = ""; //Payment Processor Description Field
iNumberOrdered = GetCookie("NumberOrdered");
if ( iNumberOrdered == null )
iNumberOrdered = 0;
if ( TaxByRegion ) {
fTax = parseFloat( QueryString( OutputOrderTax ) );
strTax = moneyFormat(fTax);
if ( bDisplay )
strOutput = "<table id=\"myTable\"><thead><tr>" +
"<th>"+strILabel+"</th>" +
"<th>"+strDLabel+"</th>" +
"<th>"+strQLabel+"</th>" +
"<th>"+strPLabel+"</th>" +
(DisplayShippingColumn?"<th>"+strSLabel+"</th>":"") +
for ( i = 1; i <= iNumberOrdered; i++ ) {
NewOrder = "Order." + i;
database = "";
database = GetCookie(NewOrder);
Token0 = database.indexOf("|", 0);
Token1 = database.indexOf("|", Token0+1);
Token2 = database.indexOf("|", Token1+1);
Token3 = database.indexOf("|", Token2+1);
Token4 = database.indexOf("|", Token3+1);
fields = new Array;
fields[0] = database.substring( 0, Token0 ); // Product ID
fields[1] = database.substring( Token0+1, Token1 ); // Quantity
fields[2] = database.substring( Token1+1, Token2 ); // Price
fields[3] = database.substring( Token2+1, Token3 ); // Product Name/Description
fields[4] = database.substring( Token3+1, Token4 ); // Shipping Cost
fields[5] = database.substring( Token4+1, database.length ); //Additional Information
fTotal += (parseInt(fields[1]) * parseFloat(fields[2]) );
fShipping += (parseInt(fields[1]) * parseFloat(fields[4]) );
if ( !TaxByRegion ) fTax = (fTotal * TaxRate);
strTotal = moneyFormat(fTotal);
if ( !TaxByRegion ) strTax = moneyFormat(fTax);
strShipping = moneyFormat(fShipping);
if ( bDisplay ) {
strOutput += "<tbody><tr><th>" + fields[0] + "</th>";
if ( fields[5] == "" )
strOutput += "<td>" + fields[3] + "</td>";
strOutput += "<td>" + fields[3] + " - "+ fields[5] + "</td>";
strOutput += "<td>" + fields[1] + "</td>";
strOutput += "<td>"+ MonetarySymbol + moneyFormat(fields[2]) + "/item</td>";
if ( DisplayShippingColumn ) {
if ( parseFloat(fields[4]) > 0 )
strOutput += "<td>"+ MonetarySymbol + moneyFormat(fields[4]) + "/item</td>";
strOutput += "<td>N/A</td>";
strOutput += "</tr>";
if ( AppendItemNumToOutput ) {
strFooter = i;
} else {
strFooter = "";
if ( PaymentProcessor == 'pp' ) {
//Process hidden values for PayPal.
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"item_number_"+ strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[0] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"quantity_" + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[1] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"amount_" + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[2] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"item_name_" + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[3] + "\">";
if (i == iNumberOrdered) {
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"shipping_" + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + strShipping + "\">";
} else {
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"shipping_" + strFooter + "\" value=\"0.00\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"on0_" + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[5] + "\">";
if ( PaymentProcessor != '' ) {
//Process description field for payment processors instead of hidden values.
//Format Description of product as:
// ID, Name, Qty X
strPP += fields[0] + ", " + fields[3];
if ( fields[5] != "" )
strPP += " - " + fields[5];
strPP += ", Qty. " + fields[1] + "\n";
} else {
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + OutputItemId + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[0] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + OutputItemQuantity + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[1] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + OutputItemPrice + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[2] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + OutputItemName + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[3] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + OutputItemShipping + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[4] + "\">";
strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + OutputItemAddtlInfo + strFooter + "\" value=\"" + fields[5] + "\">";
if ( bDisplay ) {
strOutput += "<tr></tr><tr><th>"+strSUB+"</th>";
strOutput += "<td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + MonetarySymbol + strTotal + "</td>";
strOutput += "</tr>";
if ( DisplayShippingRow ) {
strOutput += "<tr><th>"+strSHIP+"</th>";
strOutput += "<td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + MonetarySymbol + strShipping + "</td>";
strOutput += "</tr>";
if ( DisplayTaxRow || TaxByRegion ) {
strOutput += "<tr><th>"+strTAX+"</th>";
strOutput += "<td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + MonetarySymbol + strTax + "</td>";
strOutput += "</tr>";
strOutput += "<tr><th>"+strTOT+"</th>";
strOutput += "<td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + MonetarySymbol + moneyFormat((fTotal + fShipping + fTax)) + "</td>";
strOutput += "</tr>";
strOutput += "</tbody></table>";