
Monday, September 13, 2010

How to add new thread in the shopping cart?

This is where a user can start a new thread. Users can use smileys and special html links made easy in the forum with the smart tags and smileys given under UBBC (Universal Bulletin board codes). And the user input of HTML is disabled, and if the user wants to input html they have to use the UBBC functions and helps.

Ex:UBBC functions

For text bold use : [b]your text here [/b]
For image URL : [img]image url[/img]

For links: [url=your link] your text [/url]
For    type:  ::Cool

And for more details on UBBC see the help provided on the web.

//The runat="server" attribute indicates that the script should be processed on the server
<script runat="server">
Function HtmlClean(ByVal SQLString as string) as string

   SQLString = Regex.Replace(SQLString, "'", "''")
    SQLString = Regex.Replace(SQLString, "<[^>]*>", "")
    SQLString = Regex.Replace(SQLString, Microsoft.VisualBasic.vbCrLf, "<br>")
    Return SQLString

End Function
Function smiley(byval postingmessage as string) as string

dim smile,lol,sad,rose,wink,cool,conf,shocked as string

'smile="<img src=""smileys/1.gif"" alt=""smile""/>"
'lol="<img src=""smileys/21.gif"" alt=""lol""/>"
'sad="<img src=""smileys/2.gif"" alt=""sad""/>"
'rose="<img src=""smileys/53.gif"" alt=""rose""/>"
'wink="<img src=""smileys/3.gif"" alt=""wink""/>"
'cool="<img src=""smileys/16.gif"" alt=""cool""/>"
'conf="<img src=""smileys/17.gif"" alt=""confused""/>"
'shocked="<img src=""smileys/13.gif"" alt=""Shocked""/>"

    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::smile"),"<img src=""smileys/1.gif"" alt=""smile""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::lol"),"<img src=""smileys/21.gif"" alt=""lol""/>" )
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr(":sad"),"<img src=""smileys/2.gif"" alt=""sad""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::rose"),"<img src=""smileys/53.gif"" alt=""rose""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::wink"),"<img src=""smileys/3.gif"" alt=""wink""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::cool"),"<img src=""smileys/16.gif"" alt=""cool""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::wacko"),"<img src=""smileys/17.gif"" alt=""confused""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr(":o"),"<img src=""smileys/13.gif"" alt=""Shocked""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr(":@"),"<img src=""smileys/14.gif"" alt=""angry""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::roll"),"<img src=""smileys/icon_rolleyes.gif"" alt=""Roll eyes""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::clap"),"<img src=""smileys/41.gif"" alt=""applause""/>")
    postingmessage=regex.replace(postingmessage,cstr("::dance"),"<img src=""smileys/dance.gif"" alt=""dance""/>")
    return postingmessage
end function

  Function UBBCparse(ByVal input As String) As String

        If input Is Nothing Then
            Return ""
            Exit Function
        End If

        Dim Reg1 As New regex("\[b\]((.|\n)*?)\[/b\]") ' bold regex
        Dim Reg2 As New regex("\[i\]((.|\n)*?)\[/i\]") ' italic regex
        Dim Reg3 As New regex("\[u\]((.|\n)*?)\[/u\]") ' underline regex
        Dim Reg4 As New regex("\[s\]((.|\n)*?)\[/s\]") ' strike-through regex
        Dim Reg5 As New regex("\[sup\]((.|\n)*?)\[/sup\]") ' superscript regex
        Dim Reg6 As New regex("\[sub\]((.|\n)*?)\[/sub\]") ' subscript regex
        Dim Reg7 As New regex("\[url\]((.|\n)*?)\[/url\]") ' basic url regex
        Dim Reg8 As New regex("\[url=((.)*?)\]((.|\n)*?)\[/url\]") ' adv url regex
        Dim Reg9 As New regex("\[color=(#)*(([a-fA-F0-9])*?)\]((.|\n)*?)\[/color\]") ' HEX color regex
        Dim Reg10 As New regex("\[color=(([a-zA-Z])*?)\]((.|\n)*?)\[/color\]") ' named color regex
        Dim Reg11 As New regex("\[img\]((.|\n)*?)\[/img\]") ' image regex
        Dim Reg12 As New regex("\[mail\]((.|\n)*?)\[/mail\]") ' basic mail regex
        Dim Reg13 As New regex("\[mail=((.)+?)\]((.|\n)+?)\[/mail\]") ' adv mail regex
        Dim Reg14 As New regex("\[size=([1-7]){1}\]((.|\n)*?)\[/size\]") ' size regex
        Dim Reg15 As New regex("\[pre\]((.|\n)*?)\[/pre\]") ' preformatted regex

        input = Reg1.replace(input, "<b>$1</b>") ' bold replace
        input = Reg2.replace(input, "<i>$1</i>") ' italic replace
        input = Reg3.replace(input, "<u>$1</u>") ' underline replace
        input = Reg4.replace(input, "<span style='text-decoration:line-through;'>$1</span>") ' strike-through replace
        input = Reg5.replace(input, "<sup>$1</sup>") ' superscript replace
        input = Reg6.replace(input, "<sub>$1</sub>") ' subscript replace
        input = Reg7.replace(input, "<a href='$1' target='_blank'>$1</a>") ' basic url replace
        input = Reg8.replace(input, "<a href='$1' target='_blank'>$3</a>") ' adv url replace
        input = Reg9.replace(input, "<span style='color:#$2'>$4</span>") ' HEX color replace
        input = Reg10.replace(input, "<span style='color:$1'>$3</span>") ' named color replace
        input = Reg11.replace(input, "<img border='0' alt='$1' src='$1' />") ' named color replace
        input = Reg12.replace(input, "<a href='mailto:$1' target='_blank'>$1</a>") ' basic mail replace
        input = Reg13.replace(input, "<a href='mailto:$1' target='_blank'>$3</a>") ' adv mail replace
        input = Reg14.replace(input, "<font size='$1'>$2</font>") ' size replace
        input = Reg15.replace(input, "<pre>$1</pre>") ' preformatted replace
        input = input.Replace("[br]", "<br />") ' br replace
        Return input.Replace("[hr]", "<hr />") ' br replace

    End Function
